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Indian snuff is a medicine to cure various ailments
7 Herbs
Tsunu ash and 7 different herbs; each one is special for some part of the body.
Intensity: Strong.
Features: Highlights the presence of ashes.
Smooth almost imperceptible aroma.
Composition: Awiri and awiri ash.
Intensity: Soft.
Low amount of ash, color greenish and fresh aroma.
Gesileu Boa
Composition: Tsunu ashes and Cumarú seeds.
Intensity: Strong.
Characteristics: Greater amount of ash. Aromatic.
Huni Kuin Ayahuasca
Tsunu ash and ayahuasca ash.
Intensity: Strong.
Regular amount of ash.
Huni Kuin Female Force
Murici ashes and secret ingredients.
intensity: Medium
Balance between it elements.
Tsunu ashes and mint essential oil.
Intensity: Medium.
You feel the presence of grandpa, highlights the aroma of mint.
Nukini Golden
This beautifull medicine has Organic Tobacco, Tsunu Ashes and 3 secret herbs of the tribe. it has a Stong intesity and is really balanced with the presence of the Tobacco grandfather and a soft smell.
It is used to connect with the inner warrior. Works the dreams and reconecction with the past to heal. It is also commonly used for headaches.
Presidente Rapeh
Presidente is made by the Puyanawa tribe, having a strong character and high intensity.
It is made with Tsunu Ashes and secret herbs of the tribe.
This rapé has a special energy because it connects with ancestral knowledge,
power of decision and will.
Rio Croa
Composition: Special organic plants, ashes
from Tsunu and Palmera.
Intensity: Strong.
7 different types of ashes.
Intensity: Strong.
Ash and tobacco balance